Hello, thank you for your interest in our U9 Tournament. The dates have been selected for November 24-26, 2023.
If you are looking for a hotel or any information in Chilliwack please proceed to the Hotel tab for more information.
This Registration is password protected, please email our Tournament Coordinator for the password at tournaments@chilliwackminorhockey.com
Please include: Division, Location (ex: Chilliwack U9 Minor C2 or Chilliwack U9 Major C4)
Registration Currently: OPEN
Tournament Registration Fee: $1,000.00 (plus USA/Outside of BC teams $150.00 fee)
Tournament Dates: November 24-26, 2023
Sanction Number: 2023-2024-2073
Payment Policy:
All tournament registration fees are due within 10 days after registration has been completed.
Refund Policy:
Teams withdrawing from the tournament less than 30 days prior to the start date will be refunded the tournament registration fee minus $350.00.
Sardis Sports Complex - Rinks 1, 2, and 3 (Formerly Twin Rinks)
We accept:
24 U9 Teams
Proficient and Development teams welcome
Game Information:
Thank you,
CMHA Tournaments Coordinator: Sarah Stevens
Contact Email: tournaments@chilliwackminorhockey.com